Discover premium boating consulting services in Sicily with Lascatutto. We provide expert consulting for yacht and sailing investment opportunities in the Mediterranean area. We are based in the heart of Palermo in front the historical port La Cala where a flotilla of Dufour Yachts and Fountaine Pajot catamarans is docked at our pontoon Salpancore.

We can help you purchase new and used boats for private individuals and business startups. Our team of is ready to provide you with the best expertise and we can arrange visits with a sail test on one of our available yachts. Additionally, we can visit our busy Service Center Shipyard were we offer a vast range of services from sail making to engine services. Visit our base to explore the possibilities of yacht and sailing investment opportunities in the center of the Mediterranean.

Our base is just in front our office
Visit us in: Via Cala 52 - Palermo


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